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26. Juli 2024 Kommentare deaktiviert für Barefoot Shoes Made from Sustainable Leather: The Eco-Friendly Choice for Conscious Buyers Knowlege

Barefoot Shoes Made from Sustainable Leather: The Eco-Friendly Choice for Conscious Buyers

sustainable leather

In times of climate change, increasing pollution, and overcrowded landfills, it is more important than ever to make conscious purchasing decisions. Fast fashion causes significant harm to the environment, animals, and people. However, it’s not just clothing that is a problem; shoes that are quickly and cheaply produced don’t last long and are ultimately disposed of quickly.

Fast fashion shoes are usually made by exploited labor from synthetic, toxin-laden materials. While the low cost of such shoes may be tempting, the world ultimately pays a high price for them.

Shoes Made from Sustainable Leather Are the Solution

Fortunately, there is a better option for environmentally conscious buyers: sustainable leather. But what exactly is sustainable leather? Before we answer this question, let’s take a look at how conventional leather is produced.

Conventional Leather: Is It Sustainable?

The leather most commonly used for shoe uppers and soles comes from cows. Leather production prevents millions of animal hides from ending up in landfills or being burned, which is why many consider leather production a form of recycling. Although sourcing raw materials for leather is not animal-friendly, it can be considered sustainable.

However, leather has had a negative reputation among environmentally conscious consumers in the past. This was because many leather manufacturers used toxic dyes, heavy metals, and other harmful substances in the tanning process. This includes chromium, a heavy metal that can cause respiratory problems, birth defects, and tumors in humans and animals.

Tanning is the process by which raw animal hides are transformed into leather—an essential step as the hides would otherwise rot.

Can Leather Be Sustainable?

Leather can be produced in an environmentally and people-friendly way. Here are some examples of sustainable tanning methods:

  • Vegetable Tanning: This oldest method of leather tanning uses plant-based tannins instead of synthetic chemicals to transform animal hides into leather.
  • Chromium-Free Tanning: As the name suggests, this method uses tannins without chromium, significantly reducing environmental impact.
  • Metal-Free Tanning (FOM): Leather with the FOM seal has been tanned without aluminum, titanium, iron, or other heavy metals.
  • Probiotic Tanning: This method uses biochemical substances from fermentation that are naturally biodegradable.

One way to verify the sustainability of leather shoes is to check the manufacturer’s certifications. A certificate from the Leather Working Group, for example, confirms that the leather manufacturer or tannery adheres to standards for sustainability and ethical labor practices.

Is Vegan Leather More Sustainable?

If you’re wondering whether vegan shoes are more sustainable than leather, the answer is: It depends. Vegan leather made from polyurethane (PU) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is not sustainable because both materials are plastics derived from fossil fuels.

Far from being more sustainable, PU and PVC-based vegan leather indirectly cause disease in humans and kill fish and wildlife. In addition, the manufacturing process leads to greenhouse gas emissions. The substances used in this process include neurotoxins and carcinogens, such as mercury and asbestos, which often end up in bodies of water.

Furthermore, PU and PVC are not as durable as real leather. They tend to peel and crack. Unlike genuine leather, which is breathable and adapts to the shape of the feet over time, PU and PVC leather are rigid and trap heat.

What Is Sustainable Leather Made from Plants?

Fortunately, sustainable vegan leather types are becoming increasingly available. These include leather made from pineapple, cork, mushrooms, grains, and cacti.

Cactus leather, in particular, is an excellent alternative to conventionally tanned leather as well as PU and PVC faux leather. Its production requires fewer resources, and cactus farms act as natural carbon sinks. In addition to its sustainability, vegan cactus leather looks like real leather and is also robust and therefore durable.

Shoes made from cactus leather are flexible, lightweight, and easy to clean. The material withstands up to 10 years of regular use and then begins to biodegrade. In short, these vegan shoes are more sustainable than conventional leather and PU and PVC faux leather.


Sustainable leather offers an eco-friendly alternative to conventional and synthetic materials in shoe production. With plant-based tanning methods and innovative vegan alternatives such as cork, pineapple, or cactus leather, environmentally conscious consumers can choose fashionable and durable shoes without compromising sustainability. By choosing conscious materials, we contribute to minimizing the environmental impact of the fashion industry and creating a better future for our planet.

At our test winner, ZAQQ, we are on the safe side here as well. The manufactory uses sustainable leather and also has some vegan options, such as pineapple leather (Pinatex), in its range.

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